
The Gospel of John, An Actual Translation by Roy Blizzard III

gospelofjohn-lgHave you ever read the Gospel of John and had difficulty understanding it because you didn’t understand the conversations? John is an extremely difficult text to understand because it is a rhetorical text. However, What if you could actually sit down with the author and talk through this gospel, in his language! What answers would  you receive that could literally transform your life by unlocking the message of God and the purpose for your life that has been locked away in an undecipherable text for the last two thousand years? Would you like to end the confusion in your mind over textual errors and mis-translations that have divided the Christian movement into over 30,000 different groups? The miracle of creative life is what God has for us if we believe, trust and understand Him and His word when can properly act upon it, but how can one act upon something one either misunderstands or can’t understand? Now you can read and understand exactly what Jesus was trying to communicate to you, the person in need, when you read the text with the true intent of the original writer.

Click the image to the left to go to Amazon to read the full description and purchase a copy for $29.95.

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